When you are super stressed it is much harder to build muscle, recover and perform your best.
Here are some reasons why it happens.
- Cortisol levels shoot up which feed off the cholesterol in your body (your leydig cells need this cholesterol to make testosterone [For Men]). When your stress goes up your testosterone can fall off! People often lose their sex drive when stressed, this is why.
- Your body will eat into amino acid pools aggressively when stressed which means you are more likely to fall into a catabolic state.
- Recovery sucks when you’re stressed because you don’t sleep properly. When you can’t get enough DEEP sleep it means your central nervous system is more likely to be fatigued.
I know stress isn’t easily avoided for some people, especially right now when the world is in a crazy situation.
Here are some suggestions from my side:
- Cut out any bullshit in your life which keeps creating aggravation. Maybe there are people in your life who keep bringing you stress which you don’t need. Deal with this by removing yourself.
- Don’t stay up late on your cell phone, get yourself to bed early and start making sleep a priority.
- Eat regular meals, leaving it no longer than 3 hours. If you go too long without food your body will become even more stressed.
Pay attention if you’re stressed, this is super important!